As I briefly discussed here, kosmos is a 5-Part free to watch SF webseries with the twist that enough registered viewers must watch each episode to unlock the next.  After a significant delay gathering enough viewers, the first episode has finally unlocked and is available now. I still think the marketing idea is brilliant, a […]


Yvonne Craig – RIP

All I can say is that there were not enough kick-ass action girls to look up to during my childhood and Yvonne Craig’s Batgirl was right up there with Lynda Carter and Pam Grier in my personal pantheon. I’ve had so much fun introducing the nerdlings to her adventures on MeTV these last few years. […]

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Adventures in a Tajik Whorehouse

Because I promised to share this story one day… NOTE: This article was originally written in 2010 for inclusion in the historical records of my then National Guard unit.  I was a newly minted (and anciently cynical, having spent a number of years in the NCO corps) Medical Officer whose first assignment from the BC […]

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